Sonia Sawyer
About the Artist
Born: Mpumalanga, South Africa
Born and raised in Mpumalanga province in South Africa, Sonia Sawyer grew up surrounded by nature and the bush and as a result became a wildlife enthusiast. Her passion for nature and the wild drew her to follow her dream of becoming a self-taught artist. "From a tender age I discovered that I had a natural talent and turned out countless sketchings, mostly of wildlife and horses." Through dedication of time and focusing her passion Sonia later progressed to experiment with colour and develop her skill and technique to her medium of choice, namely oil on canvas.
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Sonia's preferred technique is to work in a thick impasto application and content tends to gravitate predominantly towards African wildlife. "I strive to produce art that is exciting and unique and that my works offer a window into the natural splendour that surrounds us! Each and every artwork is a celebration of life itself!"
Offering as her response to the question of commissions Sonia notes: " I am very happy to undertake commissions as putting paint to canvas brings be endless joy!" Sonia will gladly accept the opportunity to undertake artwork commission requests. Kindly contact us with your commission request and we will discuss with Sonia.