Ted Hoefsloot

Ted Hoefsloot

About the Artist

Born: 1930 - 2013 Amsterdam, Holland

Growing up in Amsterdam, following his years as a scholar, Ted Hoefsloot went on study art at the Amsterdamse Grafische School where he majored in lithography, layout, advance drawing and silk screening.

A short while after completing his studies, Ted decided to visit South Africa – for a five year artistic tour of its vast, complex and varying landscapes. Travelling through the country on the back of a motorcycle over this period, Ted was so inspired and overwhelmed by South Africa’s natural beauty – the vast spaces, majestic mountain ranges, the bushveld and the wildlife – that 53 years later he was still finding himself calling South Africa home.

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Style & Format

Having worked in both acrylic and oil on canvas, Ted painted with respect, affection and a warm, in-depth understanding of South Africa’s mountains, bushveld and wildlife. He took a realistic approach to whatever he created in his South African landscape art.

Exhibitions & Collections

Ted has exhibited South African landscape art all around South Africa since 1965, turning full-time professional artist from 1979. This South African artist’s work has appeared locally on the morning TV show Good Morning South Africa.

His South African artworks also adorn many corporate and private collections including, amongst others:

  • Anglo American
  • South African Airways
  • Syfrets
  • Pilkington
  • Rand Water Board
  • Spanish Embassy to the Vatican
  • First National Bank
  • Sun City’s Lost City
  • Coca Cola Head Office, Atlanta USA as well as in South Africa and the UK
  • Dr Anton Rupert
  • Cyril Ramaphosa

Purchase South African artwork by Ted Hoefsloot now by contacting Fine Art Portfolio on info@fineartportfolio.co.za or +27 (0)21 433 0908.